March 4, 2025

Revealed: Here Are Top 5 Reasons Why You’re Poor & What To Do About It!

By Our Binocular

The statement, “anyone can become rich if they believe” has become a cliche. Most people who brought this idea that anyone can become rich often say so because it sounds good.

Indeed, we were not all born with equal opportunities. A person born into a wealthy family is likely to have a head start at being successful. In reality, the difference between people who rise from the bottom and people who remain below is simply how they think of money.

But, as the world is growing into a digital world, the impact of your background in creating wealth is becoming less significant. Today, a regular kid can become the most popular person on Instagram or Tiktok and everyone will love the kid. You could create a website that’s earning a good income in a year or create an account on platforms like WordPress or Medium and earn more than some corporate workers in a few months.

With that being said, we can deduce that the problem is not the absence of opportunities but the way people choose to look at the idea of success and making money.

Here are the reasons why people are still poor:

  1. Never Laid Their Hands On Anything
    One of the reasons why some people remain poor is because they are subconsciously looking for that one moment that will change their lives. They are not willing to endure the discomfort and drudgery of learning a skill; rather, they are waiting to finally discover what they will effortlessly succeed at.

Some keep expecting an old friend they’ll suddenly run into that will expose them to secrets to making money. While some follow people who make them believe they can attract wealth by imagination.

By sitting these people down and engaging them in an honest conversation, you’ll realise they have never laid their hands on anything their whole life.

  1. Waiting For Someone To Save Them
    Having the right connections can expose you to opportunities. But, thinking you can succeed only with the help of another person is a way to keep yourself poor. Many people assume the key to their success is someone they thought was better or more intelligent than them.

In the world we are now, you don’t always need people to tell you what to do to be successful. There are free videos and enough courses for you to figure out opportunities and learn skills on your own.

As Buddha once said, “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We must walk the path.” Thinking someone had to help you succeed keeps you immobile. When you think you can do it alone, you are more motivated.

  1. Resist Change
    To be successful, you have to be creative and adaptable to change. Being successful entails that you constantly explore, evolve, and learn new skills.

As fast as the world is changing, what you consider your dream job may not even exist anymore in some years to come. Only people who adapt to changes and are flexible get ahead.

  1. No Understanding Of How Money Works
    Another reason why people remain poor is that they lack an understanding of how money works.

Rich people see money as a tool, so they reinvest it. When you see money as a tool, you use it differently. Rich people are known to reinvest while poor people keep their money.

  1. They Don’t Make Use Of Opportunities
    Thomas Edison once said, “we often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Another habit of people who remain poor is that they don’t make use of opportunities. They are always passing opportunities. They believe there is that thing that could bring quick money hence, they miss great opportunities all the time. This keeps many people from being rich.

Bill Gates once said, “if you were born poor, it is not your mistake, but if you die poor, it is your mistake.” Your background was not your making, don’t let it keep you from rising. Most times, all you need is the right information. Avoid reasons why people remain poor and constantly evolve, and learn new skills.


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